Building Safe and Respectful Workplaces
Browse below to learn about and register for the online on-demand courses available from Vistelar

Conflict Management for Healthcare Gatekeeper Staff
This online course teaches the fundamentals of Vistelar’s customer service and conflict management tactics. It is designed specifically for individuals working within healthcare without direct patient care responsibilities — such as those working in registration/patient access, desk-bound triage, reception, administration, pharmacy, optometry, gift shop, cafeteria, volunteer services, dietary, housekeeping and other support services.

Conflict Management for Patient Care Professionals
This online course teaches the fundamentals of Vistelar’s customer service and conflict management tactics. It is designed specifically for individuals working within healthcare with direct patient care responsibilities — such as physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses, social workers, triage staff, EMTs/paramedics, physical/occupational therapists, respiratory therapists, phlebotomists, sonographers, dietitians, medical technicians, nurse assistants, pharmacists, and chaplains.

Conflict Management for Educators
This online course teaches the fundamentals of Vistelar’s customer service and conflict management tactics. It is designed specifically for educators working in K-12 schools.

Conflict Management For Retail Loss Prevention & Security
This online course teaches the fundamentals of Vistelar's customer service and conflict management tactics. It is designed specifically for loss prevention/asset protection professionals and store-level employees working in retail environments. This course was developed in partnership with National Retail Federation's Loss Prevention & Security Group, host of the annual NRF Protect conference.

Conflict Management for Campus Public Safety
This online course teaches the fundamentals of Vistelar’s point-of-impact conflict management tactics (non-escalation, de-escalation and crisis intervention). It is designed specifically for law enforcement and security professionals working in higher education who directly interact with students and the general public. This course was developed in partnership with the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (IACLEA).

Conflict Management for In-House and Private Security
This online course teaches the fundamentals of Vistelar’s customer service and conflict management tactics. It is designed specifically for security professionals who directly interact with the general public.

Conflict Management for Law Enforcement
This online course teaches the fundamentals of Vistelar’s point-of-impact conflict management tactics (non-escalation, de-escalation, crisis intervention, customer service). It is designed specifically for police officers who directly interact with the general public.

Conflict Management For Business
This online course teaches the fundamentals of Vistelar’s customer service and conflict management tactics. It is designed specifically for individuals who work in a business environment.

Conflict Management for Contact Professionals
This online course teaches the fundamentals of Vistelar’s customer service and conflict management tactics. It is designed specifically for “contact professionals,” individuals who directly interact with the general public or an organization’s clients.